Catalonia Bird Photo Trip

Type Circuit, Trip and Course/workshop
Lleida Noguera - Montsonis
Prices from 160,0€

A photographic journey aimed specifically at prestigious European and nature photographers focused on Montsec birds and their environment.
A photographic journey aimed at professional photographers and nature Montsec focused on birds and their environment.
Montsec and its surroundings has a rich bird remarkable, both in terms of number of breeding species like the fact that there are a number of species with a limited distribution in the European context. So the photographer in the picture of the birds, which already has photographed the most widely distributed species, is willing to take the opportunity to "capture" these rare species, and quoted from his point of view.
In order to organize a trip with the opportunity to photograph emblematic species such as the little bustard, the Montagu's harrier, bearded, black vulture, Bonelli's eagle, etc.. Company join forces Lleida Castles SL (Montsec company established for many years, represented by Ramon Orpinell) that is supported by Montiline SL (retail receptive agency) (played by Steve West , professional ornithologist, nature guide and environmental educator) and Jordi Bas, renowned nature photographer Lleidatà, awarded international prizes, agronomist and professor.
Guiatges for logistics and observation posts organized by Steve West and Jordi Bas.
Species to photograph:
- Little bustard (Tetrax tetrax)
- Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus)
- Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
- Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus)
- Stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus)
- Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)
- Bonelli's eagle (Hieraaeyus fasciatus)
- Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
- European roller (Coracias garyculus)
- Astor (Accipiter gentilis)
Other possible species to photograph:
- Egyptian vulture (neophron percnopterus)
- Griffon vulture (Gyps falvus)
- Milvus (Milvus Milvus)
- Little owl (Athene noctua)
Guide, Accommodation, Breakfast, Diner and Pique-nique
Other activities:
Alternative program for possible companions: they have prepared a parallel circuit with gastronomic tour, wine tasting, visits to castles, shopping, ...
(Prices subject to availability and number of companions)
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