Guided tours for groups castles
The frontier castles during the tenth, eleventh and twelfth represented a true defensive network throughout the region. The area of Lleida, which includes most of the counties of Segarra, Urgell and Noguera, determines a thematic tour coincides fully with boundary lines drawn and, even today, a historic landscape and monumental characteristic more 30 castles. So much so that this land is popularly known as the "Castile of Catalonia".
Route "Castles of Lleida: A Journey to the Past" allows you to enjoy the sensations they offer very different castles. And the tour outbuildings transports us into the past and the history of its stones, which is the end of our own story.
The castles of the route:
Montsonís Castle (Noguera) Montclar Castle (Urgell) and Florejacs (Segarra) , The Castle of Sitges (Segarra)
Guided tour of a castle, agreed: € 3 / pers.
Guided tour of a castle & tasting tasting: 11 € / pers.
Guided tour + lunch in a restaurant Castle: 25.50 € / pers.
Guided tour at Castle taste tasting + lunch + restaurant: 33.50 € / pers.
Guided tour of two castles taste tasting + lunch + restaurant: 36.50 € / pers.
Schedules - Groups:
Guided tours every day of the week and times to be arranged. Reservation required.
Prices include visits to castles guide service.
It is also possible accommodation near the castle .
Other activities:
Workshops for children ( "The Medieval World", "The World of the Troubadours," "Medieval Clothing", "Medieval Kitchen")
Courses and Seminars
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Guided tours for groups castles