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School in Catalunya
Medieval Days: danced and danced with the troubadours
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonís

Delve into "The World of the Troubadours" and end up dancing and a performance by live music with our troubadours !!!

Medieval Days: Medieval kitchen
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonís
The purpose of this workshop is to know the habits of the medieval period.

Medieval Days: clothing workshop
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonís

Make a piece of clothing and a parade led by the same models medieval workshop participants.

Medieval Days: Workshop "The Medieval World"
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonís
The activity includes a detailed medieval world of castles using as a framework.

Immersion in the Medieval World
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonís

Medieval Days three days and two nights with full board in House of colonies

Very close to our birds
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - MONTSONÍS

An activity relaxing, entertaining and educational in a privileged environment in the village and medieval castle of Montsonís, where streets and stone houses hide a millenary history.

School activities: I like the world of birds
Type: School
Lleida Noguera
Do you like nature? Do you know what the job of an ornithologist? Well, here we discover

School activities: Birds help us speak English
Type: School
Lleida Noguera
The activity will develop in spoken English with native speakers, which combine the discovery of the world of birds practice fluent English.

School activities: The birds close to home II: by water
Type: School
Lleida Noguera
How is that wetlands are so important for birds? Surely you've heard of the Ivars, the average of Lleida ...

School activities: The birds close to home I: towns and cities
Type: School
Lleida Noguera
Want to learn to recognize birds have closer and customs? You know differentiate between males and females of birds? Come and tell us Become secrets.

Activity School: Learn to identify birds around us
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonís
Activity designed to stimulate the curiosity to approach the bird a little more and see for yourself that living with the birds is a very positive experience, can teach us many things, especially about the world around us.

School activity: bird activity
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonis
It is an educational tool and playful birds around the world .... we enter the unknown world and we feel its very attracted to them.

Activity for 20 to 50 people from 12.50€ per person
School activity: Astronomy from castles
Type: School
Lleida Pallars Jussà - Montsonís
Combination tour to visit the castle and Observation Centre of the Universe

School activity: A Journey to the Past in English!
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonís
The children, with guided tour of the premises of the Castle will see first hand how they lived, what they ate and how they cooked ...

School activity: The evolution of the water until today
Type: School
With this activity we want children to understand that having just opened a water tap, there has been much human effort behind it and ...