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Activities School of Nature
Very close to our birds
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - MONTSONÍS

An activity relaxing, entertaining and educational in a privileged environment in the village and medieval castle of Montsonís, where streets and stone houses hide a millenary history.

School activities: The birds close to home I: towns and cities
Type: School
Lleida Noguera
Want to learn to recognize birds have closer and customs? You know differentiate between males and females of birds? Come and tell us Become secrets.

School activities: The birds close to home II: by water
Type: School
Lleida Noguera
How is that wetlands are so important for birds? Surely you've heard of the Ivars, the average of Lleida ...

School activities: Birds help us speak English
Type: School
Lleida Noguera
The activity will develop in spoken English with native speakers, which combine the discovery of the world of birds practice fluent English.

School activities: I like the world of birds
Type: School
Lleida Noguera
Do you like nature? Do you know what the job of an ornithologist? Well, here we discover

Activity School: Learn to identify birds around us
Type: School
Lleida Noguera - Montsonís
Activity designed to stimulate the curiosity to approach the bird a little more and see for yourself that living with the birds is a very positive experience, can teach us many things, especially about the world around us.